This weekend marked the E tu! music festival here in Wellington. It was free and set up by caring people to shed more light on the amendment to the Terrorism Suppression Act that is being worked on by the New Zealand government. Recently a few people got arrested and were almost tried under that act. Some of these people were docile local activists who got dragged out of their houses at gunpoint, because of alleged associations with a “terrorist” who was planning acts of violence against the people of New Zealand.
In short, a lot of hoo-haa over small change, but people got put in jail and their lives and reputations were severely damaged. The New Zealand press also jumped onto the whole affair like vultures. Big scary headlines, and even a New Zealand flag with an AK-47 machine gun on it in the NZ Herald. I could almost feel our mothers trembling, their children hiding under their skirts.
So just to make sure that people think before they fall into the same trap of “fear justifies all” as in other countries, a nice community gathering was set up. People talked, listened to music, and enjoyed their civil liberties just that little bit more than usual. It once more made clear that if we want to survive as a community, we have to act like one.
PS.: I’ve only just noticed – call me thick – that the E tu! logo has two German SS logos behind it. I must say, that’s a pretty low blow. If you ask me, you don’t fight ignorance with ignorance.

Auckland shoppers cause motorway chaos
08 June 2006
The country’s largest shopping centre opened in Auckland today and immediately created traffic chaos on the southern motorway.
Bargains, including a 36cm colour television for $49.95, and a brand name cordless jug and toaster for $30, sent thousands of shoppers to the Sylvia Park Mall in Mt Wellington, near the southern motorway.
Within an hour or so the roads were unable to cope with traffic volumes.
The southern motorway was gridlocked. Police closed two motorway off ramps leading into the complex and advised motorists to avoid the area completely or delay their trip as long as they could.
Link to article
I can’t even imagine what the inside of that mall must have looked like. A blimmin’ riot, that’s what. Also it’s usually at times like these that zombie epidemics break out with disastrous results. Loonies!

With this gripping ad campaign Amnesty International of Switzerland wants to make people conscious about the fact that human rights are violated on a daily basis in different parts of the world. The slogan on the posters translates to It doesn’t happen here. But it’s happening now.
It’s not an abstraction for the people involved. For them it’s harsh reality. The campaign is running now in cities across Switzerland and will end on 23 June.
More on the Swiss site of Amnesty International: French, German or Italian.
On 7/06/2006, at 9:35 AM, Rudolph Banks <> wrote:
pea measle narrow-petaled night adder news dealer O g washer
Middle c moose fly Paleo-christian nut pine mootchie wood
night chair mile-ohm new-laid night willow herb
night-haunted peach canker Morelos orange worm Pan-celticism new-built naked-eyed open-jointed
oil shark Non-prussian mid-lobe
offset sheet outrigger torpedo neural process pale laurel old-womanishness pass-bye oat kiln moon-mad minced pie oak family no-rent land paper tree oleo strut
mickle-mouthed mild-savored moon-crowned misch metal music-tongued
open-letter proof Mongolo-turkic motor-camping old-bachelorish
no one mill-headed nursing bottle peace-breathing open chain methyl alcohol opposite-leaved onion fly nonapparent servitude opium-shattered navy yard owl-headed night-foundered
parcel-tying Milanese mandolin oscillation circuit nutmeg pigeon pea rifle
ordinato-punctate mud-splashed nickel green More anglico
nihil ex nihilo mis-strike middle-rate orchestra pit night-bringing niff-naffy night-fallen
nose flute Non-shakespearean missionary weed
opossum wood open-spokenly over-round near-acquainted party wire non-co-ordination nutmeg family mine-run
And I was grateful. Maybe one day I’ll reply.
Welcome to the first post on my blog.
Hope you enjoy this tune and your stay.
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